Abenaki Fishing
by Kara
TheAbinaki made their nets out of sinew. They set up some traps in the water. They have a lot fish in their baskets because the fish cannot swim out. The Abinaki kill & scrape the skin off.They take the guts out &eat the fish.For more info go to Courtney's page.
Comments (8)
Matthew said
at 9:49 am on May 16, 2011
that's a old page because the abenaki was there then oh and bye
Faith said
at 4:17 pm on May 16, 2011
This is a great picture; I have never seen a fishing net like that before. It is very clever. Where did you find this picture?
Mrs. Durand
Stephanie said
at 7:57 pm on May 23, 2011
you go to goggle and type in Abenki fishing
Maximus said
at 7:36 pm on May 16, 2011
How did the Abenaki made a toy
Maximus said
at 7:43 pm on May 16, 2011
Do you know if the Abenaki believe in God and the Devil.
Maximus said
at 7:46 pm on May 16, 2011
Did the Abenaki Kill more than 50 animals.
Maximus said
at 7:52 pm on May 16, 2011
Did the Abenaki French people kill each others or work together.
Maximus said
at 7:28 pm on May 17, 2011
Hi.Like it that you ben answering my questions. THANKS!.
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